Welcome to the Stahlmann Families Portal Entry Page!

If you are seeing this message, the Portal at has not opened for you and is not available at this time.
If you are friend or family member one of the following things may be occurring:

  • You have not registered your IP number for Entry.
  • You are trying to access this portal from a different IP than the one registered

Please contact one of the Stahlmann families you know to have your IP registered with this portal site

Why is this website so difficult to access ?

The Stahlmann families value their privacy and there might be some personal information on the site which could be used for identity fraud.

The family have personal data of photos of themselves, their homes and their lives available for those who are part of their lifes. Often they talk about what they are doing, where to go and even what they just bought. It's real personal stuff.

You only will be able to gain access my making your wishes known to a member of a registered Stahlmann Family, who will then contact me, the domainmaster, to enable access to the section of that particular family and some general but associated pages.

I will activate only your home IP number or if you don't have a fixed IP you need to use our DNS Service to be configured in your router. No access trough mobile phone networks or WIFI(other than your own) is possible, as you never know if a WIFi access point is not set-up by a person just to screen data of users/tourists happy having found an OPEN Wifi Access point.

This is a secure system for all users. If you don't come from the right place you won't even see the door to enter the site. Thereafter security is as usual by username and password.

Go contact your friends or family member NOW

Setting up access for you can take some time and is not instant

Stahlmann in Europe

Mosts Stahlmann families
live in Germany,
but they also live
in other European countries.
Some members have reported
traceable Ancestors
as far back as
the mid of the 17th century

Stahlmann in Africa and Australasia

Some Stahlmanns living in the UK today
have reported roots in India.
There might be some more families still living there.
There have been reports of
Stahlmann Families living in
China, Australia and South Afica/Namibia

Stahlmanns and their friends like to shop here:

Clicking these links helps to keep the costs of running this site down